Sunday, April 5, 2020

Fish Hawker Who Risk Her Life to COVID-19 Gets Free Accommodation, Start-up Capital and Lots More

By Victor Isiguzo

A fish hawker from Uvwie local government area of Delta State has received good news to live in free and decent accommodation by Hon. Ben Igbakpa who is representing Ethiope Federal Constituency in Delta State.

The woman got the free accommodation and start up capital gesture from Hon. Igbakpa after she risked her life to COVID-19 and erroneously believed that the infection was not for the poor masses in a viral video.

In the viral video, the woman said she threw away the nose cover so that she can hawk very well and attend to customers forgetting that she stand a chance of contacting the virus without precautionary measures.

Hon. Igbakpa after watching the video pledge via his official Twitter account @benigbakpa that whoever can help him to locate the woman should send him a text message or call the a number he released online.

Immediately the woman was found hours after the announcement was made by the lawmaker's P.A (Community Relations), Hon. Igbakpa said he has initiated all necessary and appreciate steps to meet the woman in person in the safest condition possible.

The lawmaker said he has made arrangements to enrol her children in a better schools as soon as the school reopen.

"As of this moment, several well-meaning people have contacted me to pledge their support to help this woman. I am now going to make a public appeal that we do all we can to protect the vulnerable people around us, especially poor uneducated women and children.

"I do not represent her at the National Assembly but the life of every Nigerian no matter where they are also matters to me. Beginning from today, the woman would cease to hawk fishes for a living and I know God has shone his light on her amidst global gloom and doom.

Kindly, like, comment and share so that we can take many people off the streets and get decent job, accomodation and better living.

This will go a long way to reduce poverty, raise standard of living and restore hope for the masses.