Monday, March 23, 2020

Woman commits suicide after testing positive for corona virus.

By Victor Isiguzo

A tragic thing happened after a woman aged 35 years hanged herself to death after she tested positive for corona virus. She wrote a letter confessing this matter and her reason for committing suicide was that she feared for her children’s safety and health.

Her body was recovered with a confession letter beside her corpse. The whole family was shocked by these news, the family are also concerned with their health because they have spent a lot of time with her so they also want to get tested as a result of these sad news.

Her sister says she saw how she was a couple of days before she committed suicide, she didn’t seemed well nor behaved normal but she didn’t take that to heart.

“This corona virus is really making me angry and I wish the government could find a quick solution for it because now our kids are dying and worse killing themselves”, the mother of the deceased said to the police.

The family of the deceased have decided to all go testing because they all spent a close time together so they want to be sure so that if there’s anyone within the family that also has this virus proper action can be take.