Monday, March 23, 2020

My Behind Actually Gives Me Confidence, Am So Used To People Staring And It Gives Me Joy - Joycee(SEE NYASH😯😯)

By Victor Isiguzo

People are fond of staring at anyone who beats the looks of an Average person, if you are 7 feet tall , you get a lot of stares from people almost anywhere you go and this might make you uncomfortable

So also for a lady who is curvy and has a good behind , as people will always gaze at her whenever she walks and while this might cause you to be uncomfortable

It is better to view it from a positive aspect that those who stare at you because you are not like an average person actually adores you

Because if permitted they will like to take pictures with you and a 7foot tall man or a curvy lady might just to a "local celebrity "

Just because of their looks, and that is exactly what this pretty lady with nice curves claims she has overtime come to embrace

The fact that people stare at her because she has something nice which has given her confidence

As she posted amazing photos of herself on Facebook

she obviously is pretty as she tags it saying her behind actually gives her confidence, and she is used to people staring and it gives her joy