Sunday, March 22, 2020

Italy Gets Breakthrough On Coronavirus, Putin offers Major Aid.

  By Victor Isiguzo

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Italy is from today set to start receiving medical help from the Russian military to help in the fight against coronavirus.

This comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday spoke with Italian Prime Minister   Giuseppe Conte over the phone, offering to support Italy by providing mobile disinfection vehicles and specialists to help in the worst hit regions in Italy.

In a statement, the Russian Defense Ministry said that military transport planes would be used to deliver eight mobile brigades of military medics, special disinfectant vehicles and other medical equipment.

Italy on Saturday recorded 793 deaths as a result of coronavirus, shooting the county’s death toll to 4,825.

(photo courtesy)

Following Saturday’s deaths, Italian Prime Minister has banned Non-essential factories and businesses until April 3 as strict measures continue to be implemented in the country as a way of curbing the spread of Coronavirus.

“Only production activities deemed vital for national production will be allowed,” said the Prime Minister in a video posted on Facebook.

He further noted that the country was facing one of the greatest crisis since the Second World War and clarified that the lockdown was to slow down the country’s production engine and not meant to stop it.

According to John’s Hopkins University more than 300000 people have been diagnosed with the virus and at least 12,944 deaths recorded as the pandemic continues to spread.

The virus which was first reported in Wuhan China continues to spread globally and has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization.