Tuesday, March 24, 2020

2 SARS Operatives seen beaten by Area boys for crushing a boys leg while chasing Yahoo boys in Lagos

By Victor Isiguzo

A video was leaked about 2 SARS Operatives seen beaten by young Area boys for crushing a boys leg while chasing a Yahoo boy yesterday, March 23th 2020 on Twitter by a Twitter handler @emalex_1914

@emalex_1914, wrote; ”They chased a guy driving an suv 🚙 to ajayi street agege idimongro,collectd his 📱 and labeled him a yahoo boy.... on the chase they,the SARS virus knocked a little boy 👦 and his legs 🦵 was badly broken before you could say jack robinson all hell broke loose on them!!”

According to him, these SARS officers chased a guy driving an SUV to Ajayi Street, Agege. After they had collected his phone and labeled him a yahoo boy. While they were chasing him, the SARS vehicle knocked down a little boy and his legs were badly broken.

When the Area boys noticed what had happened they had no another choice than to hold the officers involved and demanding for an explanation. When things were going out of hand, three of the officers ran away while two were caught and beaten. The young boy was rushed to the hospital.

Click the link below to watch the video;


Some of the comments on the posts were shocking as everyone seemed to be happy about what the youths did to the SARS operatives. Read some of the comments below;

Please share your opinion about what the youths did to the SARS operatives. Your opinion might be of help to other and Share this post for other to see and share their opinions.

May we never lose our lives by those who are called to protect us in Jesus's name.!!